
North Strand

Cherry Grove, Little River, Longs, and North Myrtle Beach 

Community Priced From Builder/Developer Phone
Homes from $200,000
Andalusia Mid $200's Starlight Homes 854-333-7858
Cottonwood Place $221,990's D.R. Horton 910-812-3562
Cypress Ridge Mid $200's Meritage Homes 843-628-1114
Harper Meadows $276,990's D.R. Horton 843-438-7429
Heritage Park High $200's Chesapeake Homes 843-806-1121
Ivy Woods $222,990's D.R. Horton 843-894-2470
Log Cabin Road High $200's Great Southern Homes 888-301-7454
Myrtle West Drive High $200's Great Southern Homes 888-301-7454
Oak Hollow High $200's Great Southern Homes 888-301-7454
Sunset Landing High $200's Beazer Homes 843-492-4565
The Forest at Black Bear $229,900's D.R. Horton 843-438-5122
The Village at Longs High $200's Beverly Homes 843-957-0893
Tupelo Park High $200's Lennar Homes 843-471-9814
Waterside High $200's Meritage Homes 843-628-1114
White Hall $290's Bridges Custom Homes 843-446-6867
Homes from $300,000
Avery Woods Low $300's Great Southern Homes 888-301-7454
Bluffs at Sun Colony $300's DRB Homes 843-309-2475
Bridgewater Low $400's Chesapeake Homes 843-806-1121
Carrington Woods $314,615's D.R. Horton 843-286-4770
Chestnut Farms $300's DRB Homes 843-804-6986
Creekside Point Mid $300's Meritage Homes 843-628-1114
Del Webb North Myrtle Beach High $300's Del Webb 843-594-1458
Eden Springs $314,490's D.R. Horton 843-438-7525
Heather Glen $354,690's D.R. Horton 843-733-7116
Hill Street Villas Low $500's Toll Brothers 866-232-1717
Ingram Dunes Mid $600's Toll Brothers 866-232-1719
Kingswood on the Waterway High $500's Beverly Homes 843-685-2496
Meadow Walk $304,490's D.R. Horton 843-428-8757
Sandridge Park $311,490's D.R. Horton 843-438-5507
Shellwood High $200's Lennar Homes 843-471-9814
Spring View Landing $349,820's D.R. Horton 843-896-3024
Surf Estates  $1,490,700  Nations Homes 843-222-5422
The Grove at River Hills High $400's Mark Woods Construction 843-945-9006 
The Willows $314,900's Chesapeake Homes 843-806-1121
Condominiums, Townhouses, Cluster and Patio Homes - All Price Ranges
Villas at Sandridge Mid $200's Dream Finders Homes 843-279-4439
Watertower Estates $300's Suriano Homes 704-910-9111