Babb Custom Homes - Article
To build a Home that satisfies your every need, want, and desire, there is not a more qualified alternative than our team at Babb Custom Homes. We approach each Home as a unique creation as individual as its Owner and in doing so have established ourselves as one of the Premier Custom Home Builders of the Grand Strand area. With Licensing in both North and South Carolina, we have built Homes in many prestigious neighborhoods.

Mr. Babb has been a student of the Construction Business for most of his life. He began working in the industry as a teenager, acquiring the hands-on experience so many of his competitors lack. Then, in 1984, Mr. Babb started his own Framing Business which eventually led to him building Homes from start to finish. With this sturdy foundation of Home Building expertise, Babb Custom Homes will build your dream home not only to be pleasing to the eye, but to last many lifetimes.

Our team at Babb Custom Homes believes in personalized attention for each of their customers. This attention means catering to the customers' needs in every sense of the word. The Contractor-Client relationship entails working closely with the Client until every need is met. Most importantly, after the client has finally settled in, we want them to feel confident that by have chosen Babb Custom Homes, they have made a very wise decision on the construction of their new Home.